Edge Lighting Android App

by wedado_f5jp81

Edge Lighting: LED Notification Light, Call & SMS application adds beautiful curved rounded corners light on your mobile home screen and lock screen.

Battery Saver: The Edge Lighting: LED Notification Light, Call & SMS application is optimized to save battery power.


  • Set multi color screen edge to live wallpaper.
  • Adjust Display Notch edge width, edge height, edge top and edge bottom notch radius as per your device notch
  • Adjust animation speed, width, bottom and top curve radius
  • Multiple cool formats and colors of frames and borders available.
  • Customize Notch setting as per your device notch from settings.
  • You can use any wallpaper within border light with opacity customization and set wallpaper.
  • Display over other apps, display EDGE Lighting over all other applications on your phone and see a beautiful lighting experience.


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