How to Prevent a Stroke: Stroke Fighting Foods

by wedado_f5jp81

2. Whole Fruits are Critical

It’s not a bad thing to take a daily multivitamin to fill in nutritional deficiencies, but eating more fruit each day may make it unnecessary. Fruit is nature’s sweet gift to us because it is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. All of that goodness is delivered with a healthy dose of fiber, too.

Citrus fruits seem to offer particularly strong protection against stroke. A large study that followed 70,000 women over 14 years found that those who ate the most citrus had a 19% lower risk of stroke than the women who consumed the least.

But don’t worry if you don’t care for citrus – apples and pears have also been found to offer strong stroke prevention benefits. Speaking generally, you could reduce your risk of stroke by 32% for every 7 ounces (200 grams) of fruit you eat per day.

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