Top 10 Toxic Foods We Love To Eat

by wedado_f5jp81

7. Rhubarb

Rhubarb has beautiful red stems and huge green leaves. Rhubarb is used in pies, jams, and enjoyed raw for its tart taste. It is full of nutrients and most people grow it easily. However…. Since it is in the list, you can guess that parts of the rhubarb are toxic.

The leaves contain oxalates and anthraquinone glycoside. Oxalates can reduce mineral absorption and can cause kidney stones. Anthraquinone is both a laxative and a purgative.


Some of these foods might be encountered in a garden – just be aware of what you are picking off a tree or nibbling on, like castor beans. Others, like cassava and fugu, need professional handling.

And if you get lost, don’t pick and eat mushrooms. You really won’t enjoy the outcome. And remember that plants have defenses against being eaten, like the nightshades, and while the fruits might be edible, other parts definitely are not, so clean tomatoes and avoid green potatoes.

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