WiFi Tester Android App

by wedado_f5jp81

Test if your router is vulnerable through WPS bruteforce attack.
Find the WPA key!

-Pin Bruteforce (from pin to pin)
-Restore previous saved session
-Different Calculating Algorithms for default pins
-Password Recovery (ROOT ONLY)
-Decrypt “wpa_supplicant” Passwords (ROOT ONLY)
-Copy saved Passwords
-Offline Pin Calculator

If your router is vulnerable, this app will allow you to try different default pins or simply to bruteforce a WPS router.
You can easily restore your password: this app shows stored password, and it can decrypt the wpa_supplicant file in which they are saved!

A large percentage of routers, although not all, have the WPS protocol activated by default and that large percentage, another large percentage has the default 8-digit PIN code that they put in the factory. Over time it has been discovered that many routers use specific algorithms to generate that PIN code according to the model and manufacturer of the router and it has also been discovered that those that do not use algorithms, many use the same factory PIN code also depending on the model and the maker.

Therefore we know that certain brands and certain models of routers use algorithms and we also know the default PIN codes of many others that do not use algorithms. All that information is what this application uses to check if a network with the activated WPS protocol is vulnerable to this attack.

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